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Overview of the IIIF Community

The International Image Interoperablity Framework (IIIF) is a community-driven effort which is sometimes rather confusing to grasp quickly given the number of different committees, groups and denominations involved.

I have tried to provide an overview of the different actors showing the relationships and sometimes the deliverables. I hope this diagram (click here to see a bigger version in SVG) will help anyone to better appreciate who is involved within this community, led by a consortium (IIIF-C).

IIIF Community Overview)

Update: On July 22, 2024, I revised this graph to correct errors, include the full names of the groups, distinguish between the Local Planning Committee and the Program Committee (previously combined), and correct the relationship between the Operating Committee and the Executive Committee.

These different entities are composed of individuals, mainly from institutions who have implemented IIIF and/or are part of IIIF-C, the community map is a good resource to look at. If you don’t see a dot on the map and you are involved in the community, please let the IIIF-C staff members know and they will add it.

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