Information Specialist and Digital Humanities Practitioner. Data Scientist at the Swiss Federal Archives. Active member of the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) and Linked Art.
2023-2024: Introduction to Open Data – A sixteen-hour course on Open Data given in the context of the Bachelor of Information Science, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland, Haute école de gestion de Genève
2021-2023, 2023-2025: IIIF - A four-hour course on IIIF given with Elias Kreyenbühl (ZB Lab) in the context of the Master of Advanced Study (MAS) Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft (BIW), University of Zürich and ZB Zürich
2021, 2022, 2023, 2024: IIIF - An height-hour course on IIIF given with Elias Kreyenbühl (ZB Lab) in the context of the Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) Datenmanagement und Informationstechnologien (DMIT), University of Zürich and ZB Zürich
Conducted workshops
11 November 2019: Research Data Literacy : acquérir des compétences
pour la gestion des données de la recherche One-day workshop given in the context of the Bibliosuisse’s continuing education programme at Bibliomedia, Lausanne
30 September - 1 October 2019: User centred design for the Handschriftenportal project Two-day workshop given in the context of the creation of the Handschriftenportal, a DFG-funded project, at the Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
5 December 2018: The role of the Swiss National Library in the digital society (Rolle der National Bibliothek in der digitalen Gesellschaft) - presentations, moderation of the workshop and summary of the results
27-28 November 2017: Web Usability Two-day workshop given at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
October 2017 - December 2019: User Friendly Online Services for Scientific Information (UFO), a mandate funded by swissuniversities-p5, in collaboration with the Fachhochschule Graubünden . Assessed projects: SWITCH Swiss edu-ID (2018), Enhancer (2018), SWITCHhub (2019), histHub (2019)
25 and 26 October 2023: DaSCHCon on IIIF, 3D & Interoperability and IIIF 3D Working Meeting
15 May 2019: Bern IIIF Showcase Event - presentations, moderation and organization of the event at the Swiss National Library as part of the TICKS project
21 June 2018: Data Professionals Day - presentation, moderation of questions and organization of the half-day event with Professor René Schneider as part of the 100th anniversary of training in Information Science in Geneva (100 ID)