Julien A. Raemy | LOUD APIs | CC BY 4.0

Linked Open Usable Data (LOUD) APIs

Julien A. Raemy, PhD Candidate in Digital Humanities
DHLab, University of Basel
ORCID Google Scholar GitHub Mastodon

DARIAH-CH Study Day 2023 | Data Pitch
University of Bern | 20 October 2023

DARIAH-CH Study Day 2023 | 20 October 2023
Julien A. Raemy | LOUD APIs | CC BY 4.0

PhD Thesis

Linked Open Usable Data for Cultural Heritage: Perspectives on Community Practices and Semantic Interoperability

Supervised by:

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Fornaro (University of Basel)
  • Prof. Dr. Walter Leimgruber (University of Basel)
  • Dr. Robert Sanderson (Yale University)


DARIAH-CH Study Day 2023 | 20 October 2023
Julien A. Raemy | LOUD APIs | CC BY 4.0

LOUD Standards

Specifications that follow the LOUD design principles

  • International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF)
  • W3C Web Annotation Data Model
  • Linked Art


DARIAH-CH Study Day 2023 | 20 October 2023
Julien A. Raemy | LOUD APIs | CC BY 4.0
 "@context": "https://linked.art/ns/v1/linked-art.json", 
 "id": "https://example.org/event/42",
 "type": "Activity",
 "_label": "DARIAH-CH Study Day 2023",
 "classified_as": [
    "id": "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300311353", 
    "type": "Type", 
    "_label": "Colloquium"
 "identified_by": [
    "type": "Name",
    "content": "DARIAH-CH Study Day 2023"
DARIAH-CH Study Day 2023 | 20 October 2023

Research Scope

Situating LOUD and its epistemological foundations for Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities

Julien A. Raemy | LOUD APIs | CC BY 4.0

A three-act empirical structure

  1. The Social Fabrics of IIIF and Linked Art
  2. PIA as a Laboratory
  3. Yale's LUX and LOUD Consistency
DARIAH-CH Study Day 2023 | 20 October 2023
Julien A. Raemy | LOUD APIs | CC BY 4.0

Open questions and mitigations

What are DH worthy digital traces?

  • Why can't all universities/departments provide accessible IaaS and institutional Git repositories? → Own infrastructure / Standard GitHub and Codeberg accounts
  • Who will maintain online the Linked Art API endpoints I developed? → Self-publishing
DARIAH-CH Study Day 2023 | 20 October 2023
Julien A. Raemy | LOUD APIs | CC BY 4.0

Image Credits

Cultural Anthropology Switzerland (CAS)

These images are part of the photographic archives of Cultural Anthropology Switzerland, formerly the Swiss Society for Folklore Studies, based in Basel, Switzerland. Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0

  • [Blick auf das Spalentor]. Basel, 1938. Ernst Brunner. SGV_12N_00115
  • [Katze auf einer Mauer]. Ort und Datum unbekannt. Ernst Brunner. SGV_12N_19553
  • Luzerner Studenten studieren das Luzerner Bauernhaus. Kanton Luzern, August 1958. Ernst Brunner. SGV_12N_44825
  • ["Steffenbach-Brücke" der Furka-Bahn: Bau und Erneuern der Brücke]. Kanton Wallis, 1950. Ernst Brunner. SGV_12N_36937
DARIAH-CH Study Day 2023 | 20 October 2023

I am doing my PhD in Digital Humanities on Linked Open Usable Data, with a focus on its (potential) use in the Humanities and the perspectives it could bring in terms of community practices and semantic interoperability. My research is grounded as part of the Participatory Knowledge Practices in Analogue and Digital Image Archives (PIA) research project, which aims to develop a Citizen Science platform around three photographic collections of the Cultural Anthropology Switzerland (CAS), formerly the Swiss Society for Folklore Studies (SSFS).

The overall idea of LOUD is to make data easy to use for humans, especially for developers. JSON-LD allows for some mapping of ontological constructs into JSON, which is the lingua-franca of modern developers and is a cornerstone technology of LOUD. Five design principles to promote data consumption have been conceived.