I am doing my PhD in Digital Humanities on Linked Open Usable Data, with a focus on its (potential) use in the Humanities and the perspectives it could bring in terms of semantics and interoperability. My research is grounded as part of the Participatory Knowledge Practices in Analogue and Digital Image Archives (PIA) research project, which aims to develop a Citizen Science platform around three photographic collections of the Swiss Society for Folklore Studies (SSFS).
IIIF is a community-driven initiative, which brings together key players in the academic and CH fields, and has defined open and shared APIs to standardise the way in which image-based resources are delivered on the Web. Implementing the IIIF APIs enables institutions to make better use of their digitised or born-digital material by providing, for instance, deep zooming, comparison, full-text search of OCR objects or annotation capabilities.
Deep zoom with large images
- Règles/Patterns - Intégration facilitée d’objets et services numériques
Linked Art and IIIF
• Briser les silos (techniques) au sein de communautés (IIIF, Linked Art) • LOUD comme langage commun entre les institutions du patrimoine culturel et les scientifiques • Ne pas être seulement sur le web, en faire parti • LOD + API JSON(-LD) pour se faire comprendre de plusieurs publics